Interiour and play materials

At SamSam, the rooms are designed to challenge creativity, using mostly passive toys and natural materials so that children can explore and experiment on their own. We look at our furnishings from the child’s eyes!

Everything at child height

At SamSam, everything is at child height: low tables and chairs, as well as low shelves with toys within reach, so children can access and put things away on their own. We do this to encourage self-reliance, which boosts their confidence!

Play material

The toys we offer are carefully selected to match the age and developmental stage of the children. At SamSam, we make extensive use of natural and open-ended materials. These are materials that can be used in various ways, encouraging children to use their imagination and creativity to create something. The materials invite further exploration.


The playcorners in the different groups are adapted to the developmental stage appropriate to the age of the group. For the youngest babies there is a place where they can explore quietly, for toddlers there is more room for climbing and clambering and for older children there is room for more fantasy play and fine motor skills.